Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine Integration and Partnership

Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine Integration and Partnership

Connecting both Masculine and Feminine

This activation is considered the inner marriage. All human beings have female and male energies within us and tend to experience one more prevalently most of the time than others.

As one experiences the Divine in all of its many forms, the innate desire for union is inherent in us.

The Divine Feminine holds the energy of Creation and Birthing in the world.
The Divine Masculine fulfills on these wonderful desires and takes the actions necessary for implementation.

  • Relaxation and Recovery

  • Rehabilitation Energy

  • Light Language

  • Remote Healing

Session Fee:

120 minutes – $333 (Sessions are a maximum of 120 minutes, but may take less time depending on Spirit’s direction)
*Includes 1-30 minute follow-up session*
Please ask about the follow-up partnership coaching with Pam!

“If you want to relax, watch the clouds pass by if you’re laying on the grass, or sit in front of the creek; just doing nothing and having those still moments is what really rejuvenates the body…”.