
Activation Sessions with Pam Bright

Are You Ready To Activate Your Soul’s Expression?

Not sure which one is best for you for where you are right now,

schedule a FREE Discovery call to see what service is best for your journey.

Activation Sessions

Activate your Body, Mind, Soul Contracts

Create and implement the life of your dreams. You are a human being with multiple aspects of who you are.

Phone numbers

  • Business : 425-280-7976

Email address

  • Business : Pam@BrightButterflyNetwork.com


Activation Sessions

Soul Karma Contract Clearing and Creation Activation Package:

Each human being has a Soul. Each time the Soul incarnates into human form it accumulates Karma.

We are in a time in history, where we are becoming more consciously aware of many of our habits and patterns which are fueled by both individual as well as global karma within humanity.

It is vital that each of us release these accumulated karmic ties to others to serve each Soul’s mission on planet Earth.

Pam has been given a way to assist you in this process through channeled sound, called Bright Language, using the sacred guidance of the dragons for lifetimes of karmic clearing and the galactic and angelic realms to assist with new agreements for the spiritual path of each soul now.

Session Fee:

  • 120 minutes –  $333 (Sessions are a maximum of 120 minutes, but may take less time depending on Spirit’s direction)
    *Includes 1-30 minute follow-up session*

Please ask about the follow-up coaching packages with Pam!


Activation Sessions

Spirit Team Creation

Discover your Unique Spiritual Team of Beings who are here for you in this life on Planet Earth.

Through guided visualization and using all of your senses, you will consciously connect with your Spirit Team, ask them for help, and begin having relationships with these beings who have been with you since you came into this human form.

You will receive and build your relationship with you Spirit Team to call upon for tackling some of the many challenges that being human can illuminate.

Session Fee:

  • 120 minutes –  $333 (Sessions are a maximum of 120 minutes, but may take less time depending on Spirit’s direction)
    *Includes 1-30 minute follow-up session*


Activation Sessions

Daily Spiritual Success Toolkit Activation

This activation consists of 4 pillars or processes that work in concert with
one another, and when done as a daily ritual or habit, can give you a foundation of support for life.

These 4 pillars are: Higher Self, Pillar of Light, Chakra Cleanse, Spirit Team

Pam performs the Download and Activation for each, you will be able to connect with each of these energy support systems as they work for you in your own life.

*Prerequisite: Spirit Team Creation.

Session Fee:

  • 120 minutes –  $333 (Sessions are a maximum of 120 minutes, but may take less time depending on Spirit’s direction)
    *Includes 1-30 minute follow-up session*

Please ask about the follow-up coaching with Pam to accelerate your transformation!


Activation Sessions

The Divine Masculine and Feminine Union Activation

This activation is considered the inner marriage. All human beings have female and male energies within us and tend to experience one more prevalently most of the time than others.

As one experiences the Divine in all of its many forms, the innate desire for union is inherent in us.

    The Divine Feminine holds the energy of Creation and Birthing in the world.
    The Divine Masculine fulfills on these wonderful desires and takes the actions necessary for implementation.

Session Fee:

  • 120 minutes –  $333 (Sessions are a maximum of 120 minutes, but may take less time depending on Spirit’s direction)
    *Includes 1-30 minute follow-up session*

Please ask about the follow-up partnership coaching with Pam!


Activation Sessions

Chakra Room and Bridge Creation

Each human body has 7 major chakras that run from the base of the spine to the top of the head.

This activation and download expands on the clearing aspect of chakra work and actually creates each chakra as a room in your physical body with bridges or paths in between each one.

    Individual Chakras have unique energy and by creating safe space for each one and bridges connecting them, you will have your own full body super communication system.
    Through sacred sound and energy, we will create rooms and bridges for your chakra system, that will heal, nourish and empower your full body to health and well-being.

What this does is give you a real experience of your own inner body system world and how to create homeostasis- BALANCE.

Session Fee:

  • 120 minutes –  $333 (Sessions are a maximum of 120 minutes, but may take less time depending on Spirit’s direction)
    *Includes 1-30 minute follow-up session*

Please ask about the follow-up coaching packages with Pam!


Activation Sessions

Inner Selves Merge and Integration

Sometimes we all need a little encouragement that we are fully healed from our past and living authentically.

This activation connects you with those parts of you that may be holding trauma, pain, and stuck energy.

    You will connect the you of today with the you of your past and look at the patterns that have kept you stuck and in pain.
    As the Soul Fragments are honored they are gently integrated back into your life as whole and complete and full healing can take place.

We do this integration with sound and channeled information for
your well-being as a spiritually awake human being.

Session Fee:

  • 120 minutes –  $333 (Sessions are a maximum of 120 minutes, but may take less time depending on Spirit’s direction)
    *Includes 1-30 minute follow-up session*

Please ask about the follow-up coaching to accelerate your transformation; 3 month coaching with Pam

Please ask about the follow-up coaching packages with Pam!

Join our Soul Activation list today

Meditations and Messages in your inbox every week.

If you are curious about Pam’s work, have any questions about the radio show, feel free to fill out the form below to contact Pam. If you’d like a FREE 30 minute consult to see what direction is best for your healing journey, feel free to book that directly and Pam will look forward to meeting you.