Intuitive / Channeled Readings

Intuitive / Channeled Readings

Indulgence for body, soul, and mind

As a psychic, Pam is able to access information and channel from the star beings, galactics, spirit guides, higher self, crystals, sacred geometry and many sources of wisdom including the human body.

The Bright Language used creates a foundation for grounding in the information that comes through for each individual. When asking questions for your reading, please keep in mind that Pam is not a fortune teller, nor does she predict your future.

Healing can be combined with your intuitive reading upon request.

  • Relaxation and Recovery

  • Rehabilitation Energy

  • Light Language

  • Remote Healing

Session Fee:

  • 30 minutes – $125
  • 60 minutes – $250
  • 90 minutes – $325

*Includes 1-30 minute follow-up session*

“If you want to relax, watch the clouds pass by if you’re laying on the grass, or sit in front of the creek; just doing nothing and having those still moments is what really rejuvenates the body…”.